Filesystem paths

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Apr 26 05:07:06 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 23:53 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
> > On 26/04/2006, at 12:17 AM, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >> The specific interface I'm talking about right now is
> >> 'TestCase.build_tree'. If I pass in a unicode string, I get the old
> >> "ascii codeck cannot decode byte...", and that is because the path  goes
> >> through "LocalTransport.abspath()" which uses:
> >>     result = normpath(pathjoin(self.base, urllib.unquote(relpath)))
> That's bogus, but I think it's a bug that build_tree doesn't use POSIX,
> or at least doesn't translate the path to a URL.
> >> I really think that having an internal api be URLs is sub-optimal for
> >> us. I think having the API be unicode makes a lot more sense.
> > 
> > 
> > I agree - given Unicode is so much easier for most code to deal with  
> > I'd think we would want to keep that format most of the time, and  only 
> > url-escape when necessary.  I think Robert was pretty keen to  keep them 
> > mostly as URLs, so perhaps he could say more about why this  is good?

Because URLs are valid for all transports. I think ANY transport based
API should be URL only. API's above that can choose to be transport URL
based or not - but IMO its nicest if they are clearly EITHER:
 * A local file path and thus ascii/unicode (using safe_unicode) or
unicode only.
 * A URL based API.

APIs that are local disk only can safely be the former, and anything
that *may* work on a transport should really be the latter.

There is one corner case in this approach, which is opening a working
tree - and that is now fixable (it wasn't before our metadir

The solution is that: takes a local file path as ascii/unicode
and,, take URL's only.

> Personally, I don't insist on our APIs being all-url.  In fact, I've
> written some recently that weren't.
> What I do insist on, is they be internally consistent, and I will throw
> a major wobbler if I ever find any heuristics in the transport layer.
> I don't know Robert's reasons, but the reason I like the transport layer
> being all-url is because some transports *must* be url-based, and all
> transports *can* be url-based.  It keeps the layer simple, promotes code
> reuse, and all that good stuff.

Yup, yup, yup.

> What's frustrated me thus far about the transport layer that it doesn't
> use urls everywhere, and it's not easy to use.  For example, I was
> recently fixing a bug to do with finding root directories in Windows
> paths.  Unfortunately, that leaves us with an OS-specific test case.
> Under Unix, we'll never test whether that functionality is right, and we
> can't do so because all the path-manipulation functions require
> different assumptions.  If we were using URLs, we could have uniform
> testing, because URL manipulations are the same on every platform.


> Since users will rarely pass in URL for filesystem paths, we should have
> a function that converts user paths unto URLs (if they're not already).
>   Quite possibly get_transport should do that.
> OTOH, I don't think it's appropriate to be using transports to access
> working trees, and since that's the bug you encountered, I suggest
> that's what we should fix-- build_tree should either be implemented in
> terms of POSIX, or it should translate paths to urls before using them
> with Transport.
> For Transport, urls are functional, unambiguous, and are painless if
> done right.
> >> I think the only time you really need a URL is when you are dealing  with
> >> an absolute path. Since most of the time we are actually dealing with
> >> relative paths, I think Unicode makes a lot of sense.
> Transports are always dealing with absolute paths, I think it makes lots
> of sense to make transports easy to use with relative paths, though.

If by 'easy to use' you mean 'easy to create with a relative path', then
we already have that. If you didn't, could you clarify what you did


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