pre-commit hooks and $Id$ banners?

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 24 08:04:57 BST 2006

On 24/04/2006, at 2:38 PM, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

> This one time, at band camp, Martin Pool wrote:
>> $TreeRevision$ may be significantly more useful than what svn can
>> do.  Many people who've tried svn keywords have probably been
>> disappointed they could not easily get the overall revision into
>> version.h.  (But perhaps version-info would be better again.)
>> That would mean that after each commit or update all keyword-enabled
>> files would need to be scanned and possibly updated, not just those
>> touched by the operation.
> I think this use case is better handled by the build tool, not bzr.
> Calling 'bzr info' at release time to get the version.h correct before
> rolling a tarball seems more appropriate than adding support for this
> dubious feature to bzr.

I agree that doing it from the build tool (and something like version- 
info) would be superior for most uses.

perhaps we can try to define on that page the cases where it's *not*  
sufficient, and see what can be added to either version-info or  
keyword expansion.


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