Maybe bug, pull reports -1 revisions pulled.
Matthew D. Fuller
fullermd at
Fri Apr 21 09:11:49 BST 2006
On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 02:54:40PM -0500 I heard the voice of
Aaron Bentley, and lo! it spake thus:
> Well, at the moment, "revisions" isn't shown on that bar at all.
> But as we tweak the UI, it may come back.
Well, it's too late for 0.8[0] now, but I think this should be kept
bubbled up in the collective mind. The progress on pull is pretty
uninformative now. Before, at least I could see "Oh, it's on revision
8 of 23" and have some idea where we were in the process. Now, all I
can tell is that it's on phase "0/2" until... well, sometime, then
it'll spend about 3 seconds in "1/2" and then be done.
[0] "It's... too late for 0.8... too late for 0.8..." Darn it, if
*I* have to get Right Said Fred stuck in my head, the rest of you
can at least suffer along.
Matthew Fuller (MF4839) | fullermd at
Systems/Network Administrator |
On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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