[PATCH] checkout --light

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 07:34:00 BST 2006

Agree.  I have the following in my ALIASES section.

lco=checkout --lightweight
col=checkout --lightweight

This is just because lightweight is a long word (And I randomly think
"lightweight checkout" or "checkout lightweight", so I added both) :)


2006/4/18, David Allouche <david at allouche.net>:
> I love light checkouts. And I'm too lazy to call them "lightweight".
> So I would like the command to create them to change from "bzr co
> --lightweight" to "bzr co --light", so much less finger wear.
> This is accomplished by the attached patch. The patch also does some
> minor fixes to the docstring, accounting for the bulk of the diffs:
>       * turn the reference to the non-existent basis option into a
>         comment, so it does not appear in the help text
>       * reflow the docstrings so they do not go past column 79.
> --
>                                                             -- ddaa
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> gbP/J/9weqSvgJf4Bt+LOio=
> =IDs9

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