How do you divide a repository?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Apr 14 20:17:50 BST 2006

Joris Putcuyps wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:


> Thx, I don't need merging into the complete-project, so that won't be a 
> problem.
> Your solution will work for creating a new project with history for 
> those files, but I think if your '.bzr' directory kinda big you will 
> also have that big history in your small library :(
> Joris

Well, you did ask to preserve history. And it is preserving (all of) it.

There have been a lot of discussions about how to handle this more 
cleanly. And there is a pretty clear proposal

But that hasn't been implemented. It involves 2 things, first we 
probably want to split the inventory into per-directory, to make it 
easier to retain a smaller set of history. And second, we want the 
ability to reference other branches by their revision id/url (sort of 
like svn:externals).

What I proposed to you works. And as long as you only merge in one 
direction, you get all the other fanciness of bzr. (It tracks renames, 
so if you make a change to a file, it is applied to the correct file in 
the other branch, multiple merges remember what has already been 
applied, etc).


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