PYCURL considered unprogressive

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Apr 13 03:56:22 BST 2006

On 13/04/2006, at 6:46 AM, Robey Pointer wrote:

> On 10 Apr 2006, at 5:56, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Sorry, I just had to :-)
>> One of my longtime niggles is that the inventory file download  
>> takes a
>> long time, and during that time, no progress is indicated.  I thought
>> this ought to be easily fixed; our transport interface returns a file
>> object, and files can be read in pieces of fixed size.  So we  
>> ought to
>> be able to read a bit, update a progress bar, read a bit more, etc.
>> This is the approach I started on here:
>> The Transport API implies that f = t.get() will be constant-time, and
>> will take time proportional to the size of x.  The urllib
>> transport does behave this way.  But this isn't guaranteed, and in  
>> fact,
>> it's not what the PYCURL transport does.
>> There appears to be no way to convince PYCURL to transfer data
>> iteratively:  You simply call perform, and you are notified when the
>> transfer is complete.  The only way to do things in chunks is to  
>> provide
>> a consumer as WRITEFUNCTION, and we can't implement a file-like  
>> object
>> as a consumer.
>> PYCURL does support a PROGRESSFUNCTION callback, so I think we'll be
>> able to get progress updates out of it.  The problem is that we
>> shouldn't do progress updates in two places.  So how do we know  
>> whether
>> to do them on read()?  We can detect StringIO, I guess.  It hardly  
>> seems
>> like a good approach.

It has to be said that this is something that Twisted would probably  
accommodate well.


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