progress bars

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 10 01:49:13 BST 2006

On 07/04/2006, at 4:44 PM, Wayne Davison wrote:

> Here's a question:  why do progress bars number their phases from 0?
> That's a very non-intuitive counting method for humans.  I'd much  
> rather
> see phase 1/2 - 2/2 than 0/2 - 1/2 when doing a "bzr pull".

Yes, that would be better.

Perhaps for things like "phase" we could change the name of the phase  
each time.

I was wondering if nested progress bars would do bettter to show all  
of the nested levels, e.g.

   [==============] phase (1/3) / fetching files  
(23/200)                             8:23

Something like the reiserfs tools, if you've ever used them.  At the  
moment as the text and total-to-do changes it seems unpredictable;  
this conveys that there are 200 things to do for this particular phase.


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