[MERGE REVIEW] Shortened test suite paths

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Apr 5 06:56:33 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley пишет:
> This patch shortens the names used in test suite paths, so they don't
> exceed Win32 limits on path length.  This reduces the number of test
> case failures.

I'm, +1 on idea.

Can we further improve creating temp directories? Right now temp 
directories for test follow pythonic names for tests, i.e.:


If we replace all dots '.' with slashes '/' then we could creste bunch 
of nested directories. It make directories names much shorter. It makes 
directory structure more browsable. It make directory structure more 
compact and all similar tests will be concentrated in your own subdirectory:

So we could have following directory tree:

         >>> blackbox tests dirs here in subdirs
         >>> corresponding tests dirs here

and so on.

What you think about?


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