Introductory Document For New Developers

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Tue Apr 4 08:58:24 BST 2006

I see a few problems here
1) This doesn't describe how to get a bzr bzr branch and hack on it. 
That's what most developers wants.  The whole thing with -X.x, should
be removed with "get with bzr branch http://...."
2) You do not need to install with  You can run bzr from
where it's at.
3) test driven development, run "bzr selftest -v blackbox". This
should be "./bzr --no-plugins selftest -v"
you want to run the whitebox tests also. Especially, since you write
that tests should be added in tests and not tests/blackbox. That
command will not run them at all. (you also want to make sure you
don't have any plugins that makes things not pass)

I would change this document to include
* branch with this command (do not assume ppl start with a tar-ball)
* hack, here, add tests here, etc
* commit
* publish branch
* mail list
* Howto keep branch up to date with

Good idea to write the document....


2006/4/3, Declan McGrath <declan.mcgrath at>:
> Hiya,
> I'm new to bzr but really like what I see in the project. Hope to
> contribute sometime soon - I'm currently trying to become more familiar
> with the project.
> I have found it a little confusing to work out how to get started so I
> have written up a 'getting started' guide for developers new to bzr. As
> I work my way through the code base I plan to add to it so that it may
> help other newbie developers. Would you like to add it to bzr's doc/
> directory? If you think this is worthwhile I'll keep adding to it,
> otherwise I'll trash it.
> Kind regards,
> Declan

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