[MERGE] allow 'bzr checkout' to reconstitute working trees.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Apr 4 00:10:28 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 08:08 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> | This patch allows working trees to be recreated when they do not exist
> | for some reason - such as sftp pushing a branch to a machine.
> - -1 I like the idea, but this patch doesn't go far enough.

I hadn't seen this mail when I merged it on the basis of Martins +1.
Does it need reverting ?

> build_tree was intended to be used against empty directories, and so it
> doesn't do any conflict resolution.  This means that if there are
> conflicts, it will raise an exception.
> That was by design, since it's handling cases that should never exist
> can mask bugs (e.g. for Arch, inexact patching when building revision
> libraries masks flaws in archive storage).
> But if we're going to allow checkouts to be produced in existing
> directories that may have files, we should resolve at least
> duplicate-entry conflicts.  Or alternatively, refuse to operate in
> non-empty directories.

I think we have to offer a way to construct a tree after something was
sftp pushed - so lets say 'yes, we're going to allow checkouts to be
produced in a non-empty dir' (that is, one that has more than .bzr.

Whats reasonable here - I think its reasonable that the contents of the
dir be:
 * .bzr
 * subdirs leading to nested-branches that also have no working tree

and thats it.

I would like constructing a tree here to have the following properties:
If the tree contains a .bzr dir - bail.
If the tree contains a subdir that is present on disk, merge the
contents thereof and generate conflicts with the contents of the
directory, but never the directory itself - so that the .bzr dir of
nested branches is not moved out of the way.

How does that sound?


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