[RFC] make checkouts as much like bound branches as possible

Olaf Conradi oohlaf at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 16:58:14 BST 2006

On 28/03/06, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Olaf Conradi wrote:
> > Hmm, let me rephrase this:
> >
> > A lightweight checkout with a bound branch has the benefit of
> > unbinding and taking your laptop offline, as the lightweight checkouts
> > were part of a local shared repository.
> So this is:
> A bound branch at ~/bound-branch
> A lightweight checkout of ~/bound-branch at ~/checkout

No, the lightweight checkout is the same as the bound branch

~/checkout $ bzr --bind http://blabla

> > A normal checkout (bound branch) can, but that isn't part of a shared
> > repository.
> Any branch can be part of a shared repository.  In Erik's ideal workflow
> there's a repository at ~/, and all his bound branches are part of it.
> > So I would prefer our current situation of allowing one to bind a
> > lightweight checkout.
> So you are against double-binding as it applies to bound branches, but
> you are for double-binding as it applies to lightweight checkouts?

I am saying that any type of branch should have the option to bind
against some other tree. Just as it has the option to specify a parent
and push location.

That the only difference between a lightweight checkout and a normal
checkout (or bound branch - whatever one prefers) is the location of
the revisions. In the same .bzrdir or in some shared repository.

Just like we have now.


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