bzr webserve branch corrupt?

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at
Fri Mar 24 23:12:01 GMT 2006

And so says Goffredo Baroncelli on 24/03/06 20:21...
> Could you please repeat the branching ?
> Please give me a feed-back; thank

I tried three times before reporting... after seeing your email, two
more (one using branch instead of get; with branch, it froze rather than
failing).  Then I mirrored it to another machine, and tried to get it
again here, from the other machine.  Same results.

Then I upgraded bzr.  I was just 3 revisions behind you.  But something
critical was fixed in one of those... after the upgrade, I could get
bazaar-webserve successfully.  Odd...

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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