[RFC] make checkouts as much like bound branches as possible

James Blackwell jblack at merconline.com
Mon Mar 20 03:43:58 GMT 2006

On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 01:18:16PM -0500, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> True checkouts and bound branches are very similar in the UI, and we've
> tried to have them exhibit the same behavior wherever it makes sense.
> But since they are implemented quite differently, they exhibit different
> bugs and require different code paths to get the same behavior.
> I'd like to propose that checkouts have a special proxy branch, a
> CheckoutBranch, whose revision-history operations differ from the
> proxied branch.  CheckoutBranch.get_bound_location and
> CheckoutBranch.get_master_branch would both refer to the proxied branch.
> ~ CheckoutBranch.unbind and CheckoutBranch.bind would throw.
> Aside from this, all other operations would pass through to the proxied
> branch.
> This would mean
> - fewer codepaths
> - more behavioral consistency between bound branches and checkouts, more
> easily
> - less confusion for developers about how bound branches/checkouts are
> supposed to behave.
> - all code that expects revision-history to be the local tree's revision
> history (e.g. the revision spec code) will become correct
> - James Blackwell can truthfully say 'A checkout is a branch'.

I like your feature list -- especially the last one. :)

My home page:   <a href="http://jblack.linuxguru.net">James Blackwell</a>
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