Shared repo UI

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Fri Mar 17 15:09:57 GMT 2006

2006/3/17, Aaron Bentley < at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Erik Bågfors wrote:
> > I haven't done any performance tests om knits in a few weeks. However,
> > I find that some operations in bzr is slower now (with or without
> > knits) than they used to be.  Try using bzrk on for example.
> > It takes a LONG time to get it running, while a few weeks ago this was
> > a sub-minut operation.  Like I said, this is with or without knits.
> You should probably grab Jamie Wilkinson's bzrk, or see my "[PSA] lock
> your repositories" post for a patch.  The reason it was slower is that
> getting a lock on a repository is slower now.  bzrk was grabbing the
> reposittory lock for each revision in the repository, and that's no
> longer viable.

I still find it slower than before, even with jamies patch...

> But it is true that some things (e.g. pull) have become slower.

Yes, and the fact that the progressbar stops updating for a long time,
now and then looks bad.


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