how to create a BzrDir of specified format

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Mar 9 00:11:40 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 10:57 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:

> So when create_branch() is called on a BzrDirMeta1 object, it tries  
> to create whichever is the global default branch format - but there's  
> no guarantee that it's appropriate for this bzrdir.   
> create_workingtree is similar.  Maybe this is OK - if people have  
> specific requirements they should create one.  But I would have  
> thought it should default to creating the recommended format for that  
> bzrdir?  create_repository() asks the bzrdir format what repo format  
> it should use, but even then ends up using the global default.

So we have only one format - bzrdirmetaformat1 - that supports different
types. The globalness of the configured defaults is really just for
convenience. In a logical sense they are the configured defaults for the
MetaDir format.

> How about instead:
>   - there's a global default BzrDirFormat

There is now.

>   - each BzrDirFormat knows its preferred repo, branch and wt  
> formats, and creates them when asked

   they do this now.

>   - the most common special case is to want a particular bzrdir  
> format, in which case you initialize it specifically


>   - if you want to mix and match at a lower level, create them by hand



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