[RFC] New name for 'repositories' - 'baskets'

David Allouche david at allouche.net
Mon Mar 6 11:58:34 GMT 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 11:53 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-03-05 at 14:18 +0100, David Allouche wrote:
> > What I meant is that I wish bzr would not impose arbitrary restrictions
> > on what the repository-in-a-standalone branch can do. That I wish it
> > would be functionally equivalent to a shared repository.
> Its not arbitrary...
> We decided at UBZ that:
> $ bzr branch $SOMEWHERE dir
> $ bzr branch $SOMEWHEREELSE dir/subdir
> $ mv dir/subdir otherdir
> $ rm -rf dir
> should -never- invalidate the content of otherdir.
> If a standalone branch acts as a shared repository, that use case will
> fail.

If I understand correctly, that would mean that
        bzr branch $SOMEWHEREELSE dir/subdir
would create a dir/subdir branch that uses the repository of dir/.
Indeed that looks like a bad idea. Nested trees should not behave like

What I was thinking was something along the lines of:

$ bzr branch $SOMEWHERE dir
$ bzr branch --no-repo dir otherdir

To create an "otherdir" branch that uses "dir" for its repository. For
example by storing the URL it was branched from in .bzr.

Then, of course
$ rm -rf dir
would break otherdir, but that's okay, because the user explicitly
requested this behaviour by using the --no-repo option. This is similar
to how "bzr checkout --lightweight" works. 

This would be useful for the following things:

      * For didactic purposes, to illustrate the fact that standalone
        branches contain a repository.
      * To create very lightweight branches when network latency is not
        an issue. Similar to lightweight checkout, but supporting
      * To allow fast local branching without requiring the onus of
        setting up a repository.

Maybe make the option "branch --lightweight" for consistency with
checkout, instead "branch --no-repo", which is inspired by "push

We have this wonderful model full of orthogonal properties, let's take
advantage of all those interesting new combinations!
                                                            -- ddaa
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