[BUG] #32669 Adding a symlink to another branch fails
Andrew Lambe
alambe at oru.edu
Fri Feb 24 17:02:06 GMT 2006
A related problem is renaming a symlink, which points to another branch,
Basically, where symlinks point to should be considered the contents of
a symlink, nothing more.
bzr should never resolve them for any other purpose.
Hence, bzr should always test to see if a file is a symlink before
doing anything else with it (some python equivalent to lstat, sorry I'm
not a python programmer).
Does anyone disagree?
Extending the reduced case:
>>> Andrew Lambe 2/23/2006 7:52 PM >>>
> Reduced Case:
> /root # bzr init b1
> /root # bzr init b2
> /root # ln -s ../b2 b1/linkto_b2
> /root # bzr add b1/linkto_b2
> bzr: ERROR: Path u'/root/b1/linkto_b2' is not a child of path
> /root # rm -r b1 b2
> /root # bzr init b1
> /root # bzr init b2
> /root # ln -s dummy b1/linkto_b2
> /root # bzr add b1/linkto_b2
> added linkto_b2
> /root # rm b1/linkto_b2
> /root # ln -s ../b2 b1/linkto_b2
> /root # bzr ci -m 'success' b1
> Committed revision 1.
/root # bzr rename b1/linkto_b2 b1/renamed_linkto_b2
bzr: ERROR: b1/linkto_b2 is not in the same branch as b1/linkto_b2
Andrew Lambe
Systems Programmer
Information Technology
Oral Roberts University
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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