central cerver help please...

Oguz Altun oguz at ce.yildiz.edu.tr
Thu Feb 23 14:07:09 GMT 2006

I have been using bzr locally for a while now (on winXP, bzr that comes 
with cygwin). For a project I want to set up a bzr server. And give my 
friends permissions, etc. Supposedly bzr must be real easy to set up in 
that way, but I am having all kinds of problems. The server must be my 
same winxp-cygwin machine.

So I set up a simple sftp server (freeftpd), then I downloaded and setup 
camino and the crypto modules, checked that I can sftp, mkdir, and put 
to server. But when tried to push my local repository with sftp:

$ bzr push sftp://localhost
oguz at localhost's password:
Hello, I'm freeFTPd 1.0bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: 
u'.bzr/branch-format': [Errno 13] Permission denied
Connection to localhost closed by remote host.

So I tried bzrtools with rsync.

$ rsync localhost:benchmark/* .
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at 

I guess rsync needs ssh to be installed.... I couldn't manage to setup 
the openssh on cygwin ...

I need directions here. Does anybody use a windows-cygwin box as a 
server? How do you do it? Tutorials etc? thanks.


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