With TreeTransform bzr revert after uncommit causes conflicts with reverted files.

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Feb 21 22:37:17 GMT 2006

I haven't tracked down the exact cause yet, but I just had this happen:

$ cp -ar plugins/rsync/ test

jameinel at juju ~/dev/bzr
$ cd test/

jameinel at juju ~/dev/bzr/test
$ bzr uncommit -r -5
The above revision(s) will be removed.
Are you sure [y/N]? y

jameinel at juju ~/dev/bzr/test
$ bzr revert
bzr: WARNING: Conflict adding file rsync_update.py~.  Moved existing
file to rsync_update.py~.moved.

These are files which weren't modified in the mean time.

I'm not sure what the specific problem is. It looks like the file was
reverted 2 times, the first one creating a backup, and the second one
causing it to create ~.moved.

I realize maybe the TreeTransform code is more 'correct', but it seems
to me like it should be okay to overwrite the backup files.


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