pull-sigs for bzr.dev

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Feb 21 17:41:07 GMT 2006

I was wondering if someone could manually go to the PQM controlled
bzr.dev and run 'bzr pull-sigs' from my integration branch.

I went ahead and signed all of my commits. And I'm noticing that some of
my signatures, and some of Robert's signatures are missing from bzr.dev.
Is the PQM signing its commits?

I was thinking, though. It seems the pqm interface should probably be
expanded anyway. Because right now you just make a request to merge a
branch, but you don't give a specific revision, or a checksum, or
anything which has the pqm make sure that it is merging what you asked
it to merge.

Especially since you have to submit the public branch for your current
location, it is very easy for them to get out of sync. (Say I forgot to
push before I submit to pqm).

Since we have the pqm-submit plugin now, it seems like we could add
quite a bit of information to the email, without being onerous to the user.


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