[RFC][PATCH]Speed improvement on the http transport: add keepalive support

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Feb 20 00:23:09 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 20:33 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
> Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> If you are copying code from another project, it generally goes into
> 'bzrlib.util'.
> And we used to actually use URLGrabber. I believe we stopped using it
> because it failed to work properly on Windows. And we preferred having
> only 1 code path. (I believe Aaron was the one who pushed for this).
> I think Martin has a branch which would use pyCurl which supports
> keep-alive and some other good stuff (as long as you have curl installed).

Yes, it's here


It still needs to be hooked into the test suite but otherwise I think
it's nearly mergeable.

PyCurl does a few useful things

 * dns caching
 * keepalive, including to proxies
 * future potential for overlapped requests and within-request progress
 * apparently does this well on Windows too

The main downside is that it's another binary dependency, but that's
possibly more palatable than maintaining our own version of something
already written so many times.  The crucial test would be how it
compares for speed.


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