[RFC][PATCH]Speed improvement on the http transport: add keepalive support

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Feb 19 15:59:45 GMT 2006

Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> On Friday 17 February 2006 03:33, you (John A Meinel) wrote:
>> Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
> [...]
>> If you are copying code from another project, it generally goes into
>> 'bzrlib.util'.
> Ok, this is not a problem
>> And we used to actually use URLGrabber. I believe we stopped using it
>> because it failed to work properly on Windows. And we preferred having
>> only 1 code path. (I believe Aaron was the one who pushed for this).
>> I think Martin has a branch which would use pyCurl which supports
>> keep-alive and some other good stuff (as long as you have curl installed).
>> So I'm not opposed to this, but I have the feeling someone else has
>> already looked into it, and thought urlgrabber wasn't the way to go.
> Thanks, I am started to work on bazaar after the deletion of urlgrabber; but I wasn't 
> able to find the reason/bug why urlgrabber was removed: could you point me to the
> message/reason ?

I don't remember the original reason. That was a while ago.

It was a comment by Aaron, so maybe he can shed some light on the subject.



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