[RFC] making the null revision become real
v.ladeuil at alplog.fr
Thu Feb 16 10:17:30 GMT 2006
>>>>> "Denys" == Denys Duchier <duchier at ps.uni-sb.de> writes:
Denys> Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:
>> I think you also were including the idea that the revision
>> would have real metadata associated with it, e.g. a log
>> message. I'm not quite as certain that this is a good
>> idea.
Denys> hmm... no, that is not what I wanted to suggest. It
Denys> seems to me that if we want to maintain the fiction
Denys> that all projects derive from the null revision, then
Denys> that revision should have the same metadata (if any)
Denys> everywhere. In other words, starting a new branch is
Denys> simply and exactly branching the empty branch (ooh, I
Denys> hope you can parse that).
As in :
when: epoch
what: void
who: god, the creator or any bzr dev :-)
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