Serializer_v5._pack_revision and _unpack_revision to become public?

John A Meinel john at
Wed Feb 15 23:18:02 GMT 2006

Denys Duchier wrote:
> John A Meinel <john at> writes:
>> If you can find the specific reasons why we are slow please do so. I
>> have the feeling it is just the time to parse XML.
> In all my tests, parsing xml has always turned out to be essentially negligible.
> with cElementTree, it is really fast.  Other things tend to dominate, like
> computing the set of inclusions for a given revision in preparation for weave
> extraction.  If you can reasonably speed _that_ up (at least for typical use
> cases) then you might see some significant return on your investment
> effort-wise.
> --Denys

Well David was saying that it is expensive to get revisions. But that
should only be reading XML files. repository.get_revision() doesn't have
to do anything but read XML.

I realize that our overall performance is actually usually limited by
O(n_lines) performance of weaves (especially for the inventory).
And _extract tends to dominate times.


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