Oddly broken commit

Denys Duchier duchier at ps.uni-sb.de
Tue Feb 14 15:38:31 GMT 2006

Denys Duchier <duchier at ps.uni-sb.de> writes:

> "Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at over-yonder.net> writes:
>> /tmp/bzr/a % bzr ci -m "Ho hum"
>> bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit
> this is very strange. it is as if what bzr saw was actually:
> 	% bzr ci -m Ho hum
> i.e. with the quotes removed.  what system and shell are you using?

I've just had a strange suspicion: what does "python -V" tell you when invoked
at the shell?  if it is less that 2.4, I am wondering if os.execvp (e.g. on
Windows) could lead to a situation where the quotes disappear on the



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