Repository Reference Rollup (was Re: Repository referencing in command lines)

Denys Duchier duchier at
Tue Feb 14 13:26:30 GMT 2006

Vincent LADEUIL <v.ladeuil at> writes:

> 1) Repo: foo/bar, Branch: baz/qux
> 2) Repo: foo, Branch: bar/baz/qux

Since a branch designates its own repo (maybe implicitly, but in a well defined,
non-ambiguous manner), the only time you may need to explicitly stipulate the
repo is when you create the branch, no?  In all other cases, the branch already
knows its own repo.

The case above is precisely the one I mentionned, namely when you have nested
repos and you want to create a branch below the inner repo but using the outer
repo for storage.  There is no need to craft a special notation for it: just
supply an additional option to the command that creates the branch.  But the
point is moot anyway since Robert assured us there is no plan to support such
convoluted configurations.

> But  maybe I  don't understand  the allowed  syntax for  repo and
> branch :-/

you don't refer to a branch by pointing to a repo and giving a branch name, you
just point to the branch directly and it knows its repo.  You don't discover
this repo by magically splitting the url to the branch.  That indeed would be
ambiguous.  Instead, you ask the branch itself.



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