Revision spec issues

James Blackwell jblack at
Tue Feb 14 06:55:52 GMT 2006

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 06:47:54PM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> There are a couple difficulties currently with revision specs; mostly,
> inconsistencies between what's said to work, and what does work.
> 1) 0.7 fixed the issue of ranges with no upper bound (e.g, "5.."), but
>    neither 0.7 not handle ranges with no lower bound ("..5"),
>    which "should" work according to the wiki and comments in the code.
>    I'm not sure it really matters if we don't support it;
>    "1..<whatever>" is virtually as easy to type (as opposed to
>    "<whatever>..-1", which is a little less intuitive), but the docs
>    and the code really should line up either way.

It does? As far as I can tell, ranges don't work at all. My client
does the following: 

jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr pull
Using saved location:
0 revision(s) pulled.
jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr log -r -5..
bzr: ERROR: Invalid revision number 0
jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr log -r 5..
bzr: ERROR: Invalid revision number 0
jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr log -r ..-5
bzr: ERROR: Invalid revision number 0
jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr log -r ..5
bzr: ERROR: Invalid revision number 0

> 2) Date specs by name (today, etc) don't act like they're documented
>    to.  Both the docstrings in the code and the wiki [I just changed
>    the latter] say that "" should refer to
>    "all revisions today", but trying to actually DO that fails:

>    % bzr log
>    bzr: ERROR: Branch BzrBranch(u'/tmp/bzr/dtest/') has no revision
>         date:tomorrow
>    "", however, DOES appear to work
>    correctly.  I don't have the knowledge of Python to tell whether it

This doesn't seem to be working either. Are you using a different
than I am?

jblack at pluto:~/branches/$ bzr log
bzr: ERROR: Branch BzrBranch(u'/home/jblack/branches/') has no
revision date:yesterday

>    works correctly because that's the right way to do it, or whether
>    it just SEEMS to work right, but is actually wrong.  I've updated
>    the wiki so that it gives a command that at least mostly works,
>    instead of one that dies, but somebody who understands this should
>    take a gander at it and see which is right and beat the variations
>    into submission.
> -- 
> Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fullermd at
> Systems/Network Administrator |
>            On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

My home page:   <a href="">James Blackwell</a>
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