Oddly broken commit
Matthew D. Fuller
fullermd at over-yonder.net
Tue Feb 14 03:15:28 GMT 2006
This appears to affect bzr.dev, but not 0.7. Somehow, I can talk the
tree into getting into a state where commit can't see changes, though
other commands have no trouble. Typescript of an example session
/tmp/bzr % mkdir c
/tmp/bzr % cd c
/tmp/bzr/c % bzr init
/tmp/bzr/c % echo "Start" > foo
/tmp/bzr/c % bzr add foo
added foo
/tmp/bzr/c % bzr ci -m "Start"
Committed revision 1.
/tmp/bzr/c % cd ..
/tmp/bzr % bzr branch c d
FIXME: clone via create and fetch is probably faster when versioned file comes in.
/home/fullermd/src/bzr/bzr.dev/bzrlib/branch.py:1063: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.branch.initialize was deprecated in version 0.8.
branch_to = Branch.initialize(to_location)
Branched 1 revision(s).
/tmp/bzr % cd d
/tmp/bzr/d % echo "More" >> foo
/tmp/bzr/d % bzr diff
=== modified file 'foo'
--- foo
+++ foo
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
/tmp/bzr/d % bzr ci -m "On branch"
bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit
/tmp/bzr/d % bzr stat
/tmp/bzr/d % bzr ci -m "On branch"
bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit
This with:
bzr (bazaar-ng) 0.8pre
bzr checkout, revision 1528
nick: bzr.dev
revid: mbp at sourcefrog.net-20060201130813-1240ac51411d1330
Matthew Fuller (MF4839) | fullermd at over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator | http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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