Conflict handling

Vincent LADEUIL v.ladeuil at
Mon Feb 13 13:26:17 GMT 2006

>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Bentley < at> writes:


    >> But why the hell do I have to mark a conflict as resolved
    >> ?

    Aaron> We thought that it would be bad to accidentally commit
    Aaron> a revision that contained unresolved conflicts.

    >> I have already worked to resolve this conflict !

    Aaron> Bzr can't detect whether the <<<<<<< markers in a file
    Aaron> are from new conflicts or not.

On a second thought... I'm  quite surprised that bzr can't detect
that... He put them here in the first place no ? Conflicts should
be first citizens and handled as such.

    Aaron> So it detects whether there are conflicts based on the
    Aaron> presence of .THIS .BASE and .OTHER files

I understand  the need  of these files...  I understand  less why
they should pollute my work dir...

I don't want to sound rude  at all on these points, just share my
thoughts and I will welcome every explanation.


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