Repository referencing in command lines

Kevin Smith yarcs at
Sun Feb 12 22:06:12 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 06:16 -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> The other side, where "bzr get" could
> mean a standalond branch at /bzr/, or a branch called
> in a repository at /bzr; I think I care a less about the ambiguity
> there.

ArX had this ambiguity and it drove me crazy! Now, that might have been
due to the specific set of commands available in ArX, so it might not be
an issue for bzr. 

Just wanted to alert everyone that this was a significant pain point for
me as I was learning ArX. Eventually, Walter decided to change the
naming scheme in the next version of ArX so this ambiguity would no
longer exist.


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