Repository Reference Rollup (was Re: Repository referencing in command lines)

Denys Duchier duchier at
Sat Feb 11 18:32:32 GMT 2006

"Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at> writes:

>> Which is why I suggest the "repo:<repo_url>:<branch_name>" syntax in
>> the first place    8-}

I don't get where repo:<repo_url>:<branch_name> is any different from

> Second assumption: There are times where it would be useful (almost
> requisite, for human factors) to refer to a repository branch by its
> branch name, without giving a full path to the repository.

Fine, then all you need is a notation for this special case; a notation that
means: "this is a branch name, I am omitting the repo url, figure it out

Here is a suggestion:


Notice the .../ prefix.  It says to bzr: figure it out by applying the
"well-defined-figuring-it-out" algorithm; and it is easy to type ;-)



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