Multiple Choice error [Was: Can I get a +1 on my pull -r branch?]

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Feb 5 23:20:10 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 12:05 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
> > It looks like bzr is requesting signatures for unsigned repositories.
> > Can we not do that, please?
> Well, I believe we have no designation for a 'signed' or 'unsigned'
> repository. It is more specifically signed or unsigned revisions. The
> way I can tell that someone is pulling my branches, is that for every
> revision they pull, I get a failed ".sig" and ".sig.gz" in my HTTP logs.

Heh. So I'm open to having branch wide flags, but I'm not convinced that
thats a good idea, I'd much rather just pull the signatures around
always. I think Johan has moved them to their own knit so it will be
low-roundtrips to pull unsigned branches.

> I suppose we could add a flag to repositories to indicate if they are
> signed or not. Right now, I think it is all just a user level
> preference, which doesn't really work all that well. (We don't ever
> actually check signatures, so they don't help a lot).
> Last time I tried, it wasn't even clear that they were being generated.
> I would like to start, but I was waiting to hear from Robert that they
> were officially supported before I did. (I would also like a tool that
> could go back through the current tree, and check for commits with my
> user id, and ask if I want to sign them. Then I can retroactively sign
> all of my bzr work.)

They are supported, and can be checked manually but I have not hooked in
pyme yet - its an external dependency yada yada yada.

If someone else wants to do that that would be great.

As for retroactively signing, setup gnome-gpg or whatever agent, then :
find .bzr/revision-store -name 'jam@*' -exec 'bzr re-sign -r revid:\{\}'

should do it.


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