Negating options

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Sat Feb 4 11:41:57 GMT 2006

2006/2/3, Aaron Bentley < at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Now that command defaults are on the horizon, (or 'here' in my case)
> it's usefult to be able to negate boolean options.  I was thinking we
> could make '--no' be a special option that would negate the option
> following, like:
> $ bzr revert --no reprocess --merge-type weave
> Thoughts?

Just FYI.

This is almost what darcs does and it works for them.  This is an
output from darcs get --help

      --set-default                  set default repository [DEFAULT]
      --no-set-default               don't set default repository
      --set-scripts-executable       make scripts executable
      --dont-set-scripts-executable  don't make scripts executable
      --plain-pristine-tree          Use a plain pristine tree [DEFAULT]
      --no-pristine-tree             Use no pristine tree


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