Recording where branches that are absent are

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Feb 2 02:27:36 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 21:16 -0500, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> | The .bzr/branch/format file would be different yes, and the fact
> |  both occupy .bzr/branch/* would have that effect.

> I think all working trees should specify the location of their branch,
> even if it's just '.'.  This breaks that regularity.

Another way of thinking about what I am proposing is that all working
trees will have their branch object available via
self.bzrdir.open_branch(). So its extremely regular, requires no working
tree specific logic, and will work identically with any working tree

> | I think the damage of having a working tree pointing to a branch that is
> | not the one present locally is pretty clear - code that grabs branches
> | directly will consistently have different information than the working
> | tree does.
> Any command that is attempting to use a WorkingTree's branch, but
> opening it directly, is broken, and this will be easily diagnosed as
> soon as we start using checkouts.

Huh? This makes everything in the ui no matter what have to work via
WorkingTree to prevent confusion. Its reentangling what we are trying to

> | I dont understand your objection to having the branch api manage whether
> | the branch is local or not. I know you dont think it makes sense - but I
> | dont know *why* you think that.
> You're breaking the filesystem structure.  You're reducing code
> regularity.  You're trying to tangle things back together now that we've
> finally got them separated.

Meh, I see it as increasing code regularity, preserving separation and
leveraging the filesystem structure.

Impasse - I agree on that.

Martin, John, your thoughts?


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