Warping minds with the phrase "changeset"

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Jan 30 11:02:29 GMT 2006

On 30 Jan 2006, Jan Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz> wrote:

> I have read the part and I'd say, that it's not changesets that allow
> the cross-repository merges. What allows that are globally unique
> revision identifiers.

True.  You could quite happily do cross-repo merges with only per-file

> Note, that svk can do with just globally unique repository identifiers,
> but it does not allow convergence. To achieve convergence revision
> identifiers must be repository-independent, so you can copy a revision
> and keep it's id.
> Changesets are something different. They are first-class citinzens only
> in quilt. In all version control systems, they are subordinate to their
> base and target revision.

I think they are first-class in Darcs too; it doesn't really even *have*
a concept of revisions.

Anyhow, I think it's fairly clear that the word 'changeset' is at least
sometimes used in a way that encompasses what we do.  Google finds many
people talking of svn changesets, and they don't even have unique ids
(well, kinda, if you consider repo uuid + path + revno).

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