The new web interface style

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Fri Jan 27 18:10:42 GMT 2006

On Thursday 26 January 2006 11:14, you (Mattias Eriksson) wrote:
> It is really nice! Great job. 
> It now feels like a much nicer inteface, I guess most is due to the
> light colors... I don't know...
> Anyway, there are some small things I found confusing (it hasn't got to
> do much with the style... more of the layout I guess). 
> 1. I like to use inventory as start page, so I always use that link.
> When I get there my eyes get stuck at the revision information at the
> top, where I wonder "where is the filesystem?". Then after some thinking
> I find it below the information box. This is not a big problem for a
> large file listing, but when there are only one entry "webserver" it is
> not easy to spot between the infobox and the footer.
> This is caused by the fact that the info box is more colorful than the
> file listing, and that the file listing lacks a frame so it blends in
> with the background. 
> Suggestion to fix this: 
> 1.1 Change the revision information box at the top to not have full
> with, that way it is clearer that it is a "info box" and not a file
> listing (since file listings tend to be full with, but info boxes
> doesn't).
> 1.2 Give the file listing a thin frame, like the infobox. This will make
> it stand out more from the background.

I introduced the revision information in the inventory page on the basis of
a suggestion of Martin Pool; I agree that now it is a bit confusing, now I am
thinking about a little javascript hack which permits to hide/unhide 
those information....

> 2. My second issue is the changeset in the filelisting view. When you
> look at the filelisting you se the revision-id (which for me is a
> strange hash-like text), when you click on that you get to the log-list
> where you see the revision like
> (114:ghigo at therra.bhome-20060124230640-d3be84f12d22d486). The issue I
> have with this is that the hash doesn't mean anyting to the user.
> Suggestion to fix this:
> 2.1 Change the hash in the fillisting view to be the revision number,
> this will make the filelisting view easier to use (since the revision
> number actually have a meaning to the user). 
> So the row:
> -rw-r--r-- ghigo at therra.bhome-20060124230640-d3be84f12d22d486 
> would change to be:
> rw-r--r-- 114

There are some revidion-id without a revno: the merged revisions are without a
revno.... So it is no possible for every case to replace the
revision id with the revno; moreover the revisionid is independent by the
repository; the revno depends by the merging history. For an internet 
user interface, that matters

> This also makes it possible to fit in other kind of information if that
> is desired. 
> I also think it makes more sense to rethink what the links are pointing
> to... I don't have some real good suggestions but I can explain my
> reasoning. It makes sense to show the file when clicking on the filename
> (, in my example above). However, When I click on the revision I
> expect to get some infor about the revision. Now I get the log... which
> is kind of some info about the revision... but still not really. 
> In viewcvs you get the log when clicking on the filename and are shown
> the file when clicking on the revision number. This is what I'm used to
> but I don't think it is better, just different. 
> Maybe showing the diff might feel more natural for the clicking on the
> revision number, and adding a new link with the text "log" pointing to
> the log.. well as you see, I don't have any good solution.. just
> rambling :)
Thank for your toughs, I will tough a bit about
> //Snaggen

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