Please register bazaar-ng branches at launchpad

James Blackwell jblack at
Wed Jan 25 22:53:07 GMT 2006

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 10:27:57AM -0800, Robey Pointer wrote:
> I've found that with bzr, I have the urge to create a separate branch  
> for every feature I'm hacking on, since they're so cheap.  It may  
> take a 5-10 revisions before I'm done, and once it's merged into  
> someone else's branch, my overwhelming urge is to erase my branch...  
> since the revisions are all integrated into a "real" branch.

What I normally do is hold onto old feature branches for awhile. When I
start running low on disk space I start wiping old branches until I have
plenty of room.

My home page:   <a href="">James Blackwell</a>
Gnupg 06357400  F-print AAE4 8C76 58DA 5902 761D  247A 8A55 DA73 0635 7400
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