New bazaar web interface style

Jan Hudec bulb at
Wed Jan 25 08:32:27 GMT 2006

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 22:00:48 +0100, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working in a new style of "my" web interface. You can see a preview there
> Because i am not a very good html designer any suggest are welcome..

It looks quite nice.

Some of the entries have the 'Mark for diff' link further to the right
than others. That is because each changelog entry is a separate table.
Making them one table would fix that reliably, but older browsers would
not render the page while loading (newer browsers usually can do that).
So it would probably be a better fix to explicitly request widths for
the columns. These should either be page-size relative (ie. in percent)
or font-size relative (ie. in em - but try whether it works in IE).

Maybe the style-sheet should be a separate, static file. That would
decrease the server load a bit (because the style-sheet would only be
downloaded once by each client) and make it simpler for users to
override the colour theme if they wanted.

The 'buttons' div has a slightly different background which spans a bit
to the right of the buttons, but not the whole way. I think the colour
should apply to the whole table (ie. including the revision numbers on
the right).

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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