Branch configuration

Jan Hudec bulb at
Wed Jan 25 06:10:03 GMT 2006

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 08:38:06 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> > We debated for a little bit about what should go inside the branch, and
> > what should go outside of it. But never really decided on anything.
> > 
> > Right now, I feel like ~/.bazaar/branches.conf is to remote. It means if
> > I want to change the push target, I have to look somewhere other than
> > the branch, and then compare path names to make sure I get the right
> > one, etc.
> push --remember ? Sets it for you.

Yes. But what does tell me current setting?

> > Also, since branches.conf isn't ever cleaned out, it seems better to
> > have 'cp' copy the push target, than to accidentally have 'mv'
> > create/change a push target. (if you renamed a branch into a name that
> > you used to have, but perhaps forgot about).
> erm, I'd much rather get a warning that a branch I'm pushing is
> incompatible with <old branches url>, than have a branch I had made from
> a different one (say branch-formats from integration) accidentally push
> to the old location with no warning.

My (actual) use-case was this:

branch$ bzr push sftp://somewhere
$ bzr branch http://somewhere test
bzr: ERROR: .... (because http server somewhere has some features that screw
things up)
$ rm -rf test
# ... and now I did the following to make sure the local branch is not
# screwed:
$ mv branch branch~
$ bzr branch branch
branch$ bzr pull --overwrite ../branch~
branch$ bzr push sftp://elsewhere
# and after a while:
branch$ bzr push
... pushing to sftp://somewhere # Why the *#$% is it pushing there???

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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