[BUG] bug in weave.join() code

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Jan 24 22:47:52 GMT 2006

On 24 Jan 2006, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> I found a pretty large bug in the Weave.join() code, which causes the
> code to freak out quite a bit. Specifically the code:
> if name in self._names:
>     idx = self.lookup(name)
>     n1 = map(other.idx_to_name, other._parents[other_idx] )
>     n2 = map(self.idx_to_name, self._parents[other_idx] )
>     if sha1 ==  self._sha1s[idx] and n1 == n2:
>         continue
> Notice that it uses other_idx instead of 'idx' so this should be:
>     n2 = map(self.idx_to_name, self._parents[idx] )

Yes, that does seem to be a bug.

We should probably change it to ask the two weaves for e.g.
parent_names() and not use indexes at this level.

It seems likely it will almost always just cause it not to use the
optimization but there's some chance it will fail to add the new
revision when it should.

> Also, in testing, I found that we still have a lot of mismatched
> parents. Specifically we have inverted parent heirarchy. For example:
>  inventory merge 3189/3202 0:00:01
> version {robertc at robertcollins.net-20060121104246-604e9a6a3eb8e10b}
> present, but different parents:
> ['robertc at robertcollins.net-20060121095439-042130d88768fcb2',
> 'john at arbash-meinel.com-20060120193409-1466a4908863d28f'] vs
> ['john at arbash-meinel.com-20060120193409-1466a4908863d28f',
> 'robertc at robertcollins.net-20060121095439-042130d88768fcb2']
> All changes applied successfully.

I don't think this message is emitted by my tree - does it come out when
trying to add an inventory to the weave file?   I think we should treat
the order in the revision object as definitive.  I don't know if the
weave at the moment cares to enforce that ordering, but it probably
should.  And check should probably make sure that is the case.

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