Bazaar-NG doesn't work right with Python 2.4.2

David Allouche david at
Mon Jan 23 14:56:27 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-21 at 18:08 -0500, James Blackwell wrote:
> 1. Reboot
> 2. Do not log into GDM! 
> 3. switch to the console (ctrl-alt-f1) and log
> 2. log into console
> 3. cd into ~/.gconf
> 4. Find all the xml files that refer to the proxy. There were three files
> here, one of which was in .gconf
> 5. Log out of the console
> 6. Switch back to X (ctrl-alt-f7)
> 7. Hopefully fixed.

You can also, and that is easier IMO, use gconf-editor. In Ubuntu 5.10
you can find it in the GNOME menu as
Applications->System Tools->Configuration Editor

> Take note: gconf and its config files is particularly resilient. Check and
> double check your work.

Or use the nice graphical tool the GNOME hackers made to deal with gconf
                                                            -- ddaa
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