Please register bazaar-ng branches at launchpad

James Blackwell jblack at
Tue Jan 24 08:02:24 GMT 2006

While the group has been working on Bazaar-NG the launchpad team has been
working on Launchpad. The site is shaping up quite a bit and is ready to 
get some exercise in the branch-represention department. The Launchpad
team is hacking hard on the codebase and can use a pet project that is
heavily involved in Bazaar-NG in order to spur along development.

That project is us. This project literally has dozens of Bazaar-NG
branches. In one branch over here, there's tree transform hacks. In
another branch over there, there's new man page code. I even here there's
a branch in the wild that supports bzr checkouts. =)

I think the time has come for us to get our branches registered in
launchpad. That gives the launchpad guys a strawman to hack against as
they work on visualization. To meet this end, I'd like to ask each of you
to take some time to add some of your own branches at

In order to make this as easy as possible for the I-don't-data-entry
sorts, I'm happy to do it for you -- at least for now. If you email me the
names, locations and descriptions of your branches, then I'll ensure that
they are added to launchpad.  If you choose this avenue, please make a
launchpad account so that I can assign your brnaches to you. Failing that,
I'll be the master of your branches. :) 

So, if you don't mind, please take a moment to add some of your branches
at There are already a
number of them there so that you won't be alone. =)


P.S. Think of the value for this when showing Bazaar-NG off to your
peers. A website listing a long list of independant, healthy branches is
enough to put the fear of $DIETY into any RCS and to show any other
project just how awesome Bazaar-NG is.

My home page:   <a href="">James Blackwell</a>
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