[rfc] [patch] sftp unit tests without ssh

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jan 23 05:05:18 GMT 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-22 at 22:09 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
> Robey Pointer wrote:
> > Here's a patch to add a subclass of SFTPServer (called
> > SFTPServerWithoutSSH) that sets up a fake sftp server over loopback but
> > uses a special ssh vendor ("loopback") which just wraps a plain socket
> > instead of setting up both ends of an SSH Transport.  What this means is
> > that tests using SFTPServerWithoutSSH will use sftp without all the
> > overhead of actually setting up a secure channel.
> > 
> > On my ibook, it drops the './bzr selftest' time from about 5 minutes to
> > about 3 minutes -- pretty significant.
> > 
> > We discussed having at least one test still use a full sftp-over-ssh
> > setup.  I didn't do that because I'm not entirely sure how, but it
> > should just be a matter of using SFTPServer for a test instead of
> > SFTPServerWithoutSSH.
> I think just a simple test where we create an SFTPServer, and then use
> 't = get_transport('sftp://localhost')'.
> But I'm not sure where this would fit with Robert's adapting transports
> stuff.

I haven't read the rest yet - just addressing this specific bit.

This sits as an internal-to-the-sftp-code test. I.e.

or some such. The adapting tests are for verifing the correctness of the
implementation; this test is to check that the ssh<->sftp piece that we
are eliminating elsewhere works correctly - and as such is not part of
the general interface behaviour.


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