[RFC] Improvements to is_ignored.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sat Jan 21 00:02:21 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-21 at 10:57 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 20 Jan 2006, Jan Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > 
> > I have added some tests on my improvements to is_ignored. 

> > I actually think the difference will matter far less than it seems. They only
> > affect three cases, all of which I think are minimally used:
> >   * There is an absolute path containing * that should match over /
> >     - Since ignored directories are not searched, usually only the directory
> >       name is given, which does not contain wildcards most of the time.
> >   * There are .-files in the tree that should be matched with a pattern
> >     starting with * or ?.
> >     - If .-files are present, they usually have their own rules and different
> >       extension anyway.
> >   * Non-ascii filenames are present and matched.
> >     - Given that the charset was not defined and relied on the default
> >       conversion, which is usually ascii, it's unlikely anyone did that.
> >       I don't even think it worked.
> I would tend to agree that they're unlikely to be relied upon.  In
> general I don't think we need to have an option to support old buggy
> behaviour just in case someone relied on it.
> The changes should be in the Changes section of the news file, and there
> should be more description in tutorial.txt.

The problem is that the file in revision 1 is that way forever. Theres
no way the user can correct what they committed such that checkouts work
again. So I think its important we preserve that behaviour when someone
checks out an old revision, OR migrate this control data outside of the
users file space asap.

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