ENOTDIR translation is funny

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Fri Jan 20 18:00:18 GMT 2006

On 19 Jan 2006, at 23:46, Robert Collins wrote:

> Why do we translate ENOTDIR to NoSuchFile?
> a rmdir of a file triggers ENOTDIR, but its definately not the case  
> that
> that is NoSuchFile.

It may be because sftp servers tend to translate ENOTDIR to  
SFTP_NO_SUCH_FILE.  (SFTP only has 4 real error codes.)  As I guess  
people are sick of hearing me say: We can't really depend on good  
error fidelity from transports, so we shouldn't put too much weight  
on fine-grained error codes.  I think HTTP can barely do better than  
"it succeeded" vs "it failed".


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