SFTPHomeDirServer hangs with unicode urls

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Jan 16 22:27:06 GMT 2006

I haven't figured out exactly why yet, but the SFTPHomeDirServer is
hanging when I try to create unicode paths.
What is weird is that the AbsolutePath server (and Sibling) doesn't have
any problems.

The code is in my 'encoding' branch at:

The specific test that I am doing is:

t = self.get_transport()
t.put(urlescape(u'\xe5'), StringIO('contents of foo\n'))

The error I get is:
handlers could be found for logger "paramiko.transport"

And then it just locks up.

I have tested this on both Mac OSX, and Linux. I tested it with a
paramiko version which didn't have __version_info__, and 1.5.2.

In my branch, the above code is inside the build_tree() call, but it
still happens if you write your own t.put() statement.

The weirdest part is that everything seems to work with the

Any help would be appreciated.


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