Branch for format 7

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Jan 16 01:59:55 GMT 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 17:41 -0500, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Robert Collins wrote:
>>| When we start the split into checkout, branch and repository, I figure
>>| we'll leave .bzr/branch-format behind with a value of (say) 9, and
>>| introduce new format values for each of the other three elements.
>>Once branch metadata is moved into a subdirectory, 'branch-format' isn't
>>an accurate filename.  What do you think of 'meta-format'?
> I'm worried about old clients giving confusing messages. I agree that
> meta-format is a better name, and perhaps we should have both:
> meta-format of 1 when we split
> branch-format of $last-non-split + 1.
> Then after a suitable delay, we remove the branch-format file.
> Rob

So I'm guessing you are trying to make it so that if I'm in a
'checkout'-only directory, an old version of bzr would complain about
'unknown branch format ???', rather than not considering the working
directory to be a branch (and possibly finding the branch in $HOME).

If you are going to create a new file, is 'meta-format' really
necessary. Since you would have '.bzr/checkout/format', and
'.bzr/repository/format', and '.bzr/branch/format'.

It seems '.bzr/meta-format' is unnecessary. Though it might be easier to
maintain forward compatibility.

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