Unicode through filesystem tricks

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Jan 16 01:12:54 GMT 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 14:30 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
>>So, to make things easy, I would like for bzr to only support
>>canonicalized names internally. So you can't 'bzr add' a non-canonical
>>name under windows or linux (where they can exist), and they will be
>>translated appropriately under Mac (where the form we don't prefer exists).
>>I suppose we should keep support for any form in '.bzrignore', since you
>>might have a non-canonical name in a linux tree that you just want to be
>>ignored. (Automatically generated by some tool, for instance).
> I agree. Note that we'll need an inventory format bump to convert
> current non normalised names.
> ..
>>How does this sound?
> Add in '4': do a format bump to convert inventories and activate the new
> code.
> Rob

Do we actually have trees with non-normalized names? I suppose we might,
but I'm guessing that doesn't actually exist anywhere.

I'm okay with doing a format bump, but since any format bump is waiting
on you to implement improved multi-format handling, I'm trying to avoid
them for now.

But my encoding branch almost definitely won't be merged before 0.8, so
there probably is plenty of time.

The issue is that on Mac, if you don't do *some* sort of normalization,
you can't use a tree that was created on Linux, which is generally NFC
normalized. (Because Mac is close to NFD normalized, *always*)


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