deprecating parameters

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Jan 15 20:46:19 GMT 2006

So, for symbol versioning in the branch-formats branch I needed to mark
Branch(..., init=XXX) as deprecated.

I've used the follow for now:

    def __init__(self, transport, init=deprecated_nonce,

        if deprecated_passed(init):
            warn("BzrBranch.__init__(..., init=XXX): The init parameter
is "
                 "deprecated. Please use Branch.initialize().",

deprecated_nonce is a marker used by deprecated_passed - its assumed
noone will ever deliberately pass deprecated_none into a routine (and if
they do, their problem). (Its an object instance, theres no way to
accidentally do this).

I took this route because I was not sure how to make a -nice- parameter
deprecation decorator at this point - but I'm adding a TODO to research
that later.

Does this sound reasonable to folk ?


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