the need for a bench suite

Olivier Grisel ogrisel at
Sun Jan 15 10:32:06 GMT 2006

Denys Duchier a écrit :
> I have to say that my modest contributions in trying to speed up bzr have me
> worried.  I am concerned that by improving one case, I may be introducing
> regressions elsewhere.
> It would be really helpful to have a bench suite to help verify that
> improvements really are, and that they don't introduce regressions.


> Probably such a bench suite could be built around unittest, but I don't feel
> competent to set it up.  If someone could set up just the bare framework
> (something similar to bzrlib/tests, e.g. bzrlib/bench) and a command to run it
> (bzr bench), then I would be happy to contribute test cases.

You might want to reuse existing approaches based on pystones (fore machine 
independence) such as the one that was once in the Zope3 testing tools:



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